Learning a new language has become a basic requirement in many areas of work and life, and it also enables you to learn about the cultures of other countries, so it is considered an important and entertaining thing at the same time, and here we will talk about the possibility of learning new languages in simple and possible ways. You can surround yourself with the language you want to master without buying a plane ticket!
Many people say that the best way to master a language is by immersing yourself in the language, and to surround it with all its aspects by going to the mother country of that language.
Unfortunately, not everyone is able to spend months on vacation in a country where they speak a language different from their native language. Do not lose your courage in that, thanks to the miracle of technology, and some human ingenuity and intelligence, you can surround yourself with a new language at any time and in any place.
Here are some ways and things that will help you surround yourself with all aspects of a foreign language and immerse yourself in it:
Change your phone language to the language you want to learn through your phone settings, it’s a simple way!
Read:Gabriel Weiner’s 4 Stages of Language LearningTry listening to recordings, audio clips or news broadcasts in the new language. Yes, I know you don’t want to listen to more news broadcasts, but do it anyway.
Watch your favorite TV shows with subtitles in a different language. For example, Netflix has a help section that allows you to search for subtitles in the language you want to learn. You can also learn the language through the language of the TV show you are watching, so you can pay attention to the pronunciation of words by listening to them or by viewing the subtitles of the program you want to watch.
Label your things in the new language by putting stickers on them. This shows your guests and visitors how cultured you are. In addition, it will help you regularly discover aspects of the language you are learning, so you will really feel immersed in this language and surrounded by it.
Cook a meal using recipes in a different language.
This will combine your love for the new language with your love for food and combine them, and also enable you to discover new things in the art of cooking and its culture. Any mistakes you make will be very clear at dinner time.
Read:Grammar and Writing Tips for English LearnersDiscover the sections of the Internet and its sites in other languages. It is true that the Lingua Franca website is English, but there are many other sites in different languages.
Read the news in a different language. Face it, you are tired of reading the news in your usual country’s language. The BBC channel provides many languages, and you can also read the local news and discover the culture of the language you are learning.
Train your pet (cat or dog) in a different language. As a joke, cats do not speak only one language. But seriously, training your dog in another language is not only possible, but it is also entertaining. The vocabulary may be limited, but at least it is a fun and useful trick.
Get a pen pal from another country.
There are many places and sites on the Internet where you can meet and get to know others. For example, you can find someone who is learning the same language as you, and practice this language together.
Watch movies produced by other countries.
You really can’t appreciate a movie or feel its enjoyment until you watch it in the original language of its origin. In addition, there are many great movies that do not have a single origin.
Read:Top 8 Tips to Help You Learn a New Foreign LanguageWrite your daily to-do list in another language. Writing down your daily tasks in the new language will definitely help you practice the language, even if you don’t have time to sit down and take lessons. This way, you’ll quickly remember the new vocabulary you’ve written down, and your knowledge of the language and its vocabulary will gradually expand.
Try ordering food in a different language. This can be done incrementally, meaning you can start by ordering your drink in another language or the appetizers you want, trying to pronounce them correctly, then over time you’ll get used to it and become proficient at it, so you can order all your meals in the language you’re learning. Also, if you find a cheerful, bilingual waiter, that is, one who speaks both languages, talk to him. It’s worth trying.
Play video games in other languages.
This could mean switching the language in the game settings, or participating in games that
have players who speak different languages.
Talk to coworkers in a different language. This can help if you know that they are really interested in the language. Who knows, maybe you will get a whole staff based on this language by training to immerse yourself in it.
Create a fake account on Instagram to satisfy your alternative language ego, i.e. learn a new language through it. If you love fashion, food or travel, you can follow pages and sites that care about the things you love, and also if you do not want to fill your main account with content from another language, create another account just for learning!
Send posts or tweets in another language, for example, you can send a tweet in your Instagram or Twitter account in the language you are learning, and thus you can learn vocabulary and terms in the new language. It is also easy to find accounts or sites in other languages that you can browse.
Reading translated books, so you can learn about the culture and literature of the community that speaks the language you want to learn by reading books about their language and literature translated into your native language, thus gaining exposure to new cultures and a deeper understanding of the language and its literature, it is a truly wonderful experience!
Reading articles on Buzzfeed in another language. Don’t pretend that you have never clicked on one of these articles once. Many sites have different versions of their articles in multiple languages, but the articles on this site are enough to make any language you are learning more interesting.
Joining different groups on the Facebook application. In the last few years, many people have seemed to abandon using this application, but these groups have brought many people back to using it. There are many groups dedicated to all topics, so you can find a community or group of people who discuss learning a new language and share their experiences, or if you just want to find funny and entertaining topics. After all, laughter is the only universal language.
Listening to music and songs in other languages. Music can be a great resource, whether you are actively translating the lyrics in your head, or simply playing your favorite song in the background or doing something (immersing yourself in a language doesn’t mean you have to pay attention to grammar and vocabulary all the time).
Reading newspapers in another language is also a great way to build up new vocabulary, and over time you will find yourself making significant progress and improvement in the new language based on your creativity and quick wit.