Educational apps

Beelinguapp for learning languages

تطبيق Beelinguapp

Beelinguapp is a language learning app that teaches through bilingual texts, allowing you to listen to original media in the target language without having to stop every minute to look up the correct meaning. It has a wide variety of texts and presents them in an easy-to-follow format that can be read even offline. This app aims to teach learners target languages ​​through reading and does a great job of achieving this goal. Its main drawbacks are the fine-grained controls and its inaccessibility to beginners who do not know the alphabet of the target language. In this blog, we will show you everything you need to know about this app.

About Beelinguapp

Beelinguapp is an app that helps you learn different languages ​​through reading or listening to stories. It has a wide variety of texts and presents them in an easy-to-follow format that can be read even offline.

This app aims to teach learners target languages ​​through reading and does a great job of achieving this goal. Its main drawbacks are the fine-grained controls and its inaccessibility to beginners who do not know the alphabet of the target language.

The app is designed to eliminate the need to search for translations by providing you with translations directly within the app, saving you valuable time and making the original text in the target language more accessible.

Read:How to study foreign language vocabulary

Beelinguapp contains hundreds of texts in 14 languages ​​with translations displayed, by immersing users in the actual use of the language, the app allows them to absorb vocabulary and grammar naturally without formal instruction.

Features of the Beelinguapp application

The application provides many features that make it different from other applications, including the following:

Learning without the need to connect to the Internet

The Beelinguapp application offers a great feature that distinguishes it from other applications, which is the ability to access without an Internet connection. When you open anything on the application, it is downloaded, making it available in the “Favorites” section at any time, even when you do not have an Internet connection. This means that you can use the application on the go, anywhere.

Easily switch between languages

While many programs today require a different subscription for each language, the Beelinguapp application allows you to easily switch between languages.

You can also choose the language you are learning from, so you will not be limited to English as your primary language. This is a great option if your native language is not English, or if you want to learn two languages ​​at the same time.

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A wide variety of content

At the beginning of using the application, it asks a number of questions that help in identifying the types of texts by determining the goal of learning.

Once you enter the app, you will find a huge amount of content, as there are many short texts to choose from, such as biographies of world celebrities and short stories.

In addition to short stories and educational texts, Beelinguapp also has news articles and songs that you can listen to to strengthen the target language.

Learning a language through bilingual text

The main way to learn on Beelinguapp is reading, as each text is presented in the target language with an English translation (or any language you choose as a base).

Beelinguapp also helps you learn vocabulary by displaying key words before reading and then adding them to your vocabulary list.

Slow reading of the original voice

Each story also has an audio reading, and as the narrator reads, the words are highlighted in orange in both languages, making it easier to follow. The audio also has several reading speeds, allowing you to slow it down to 0.5 and 0.75 playback speeds, which makes it easier to follow the speaker and understand what he is saying.

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Review tests

Beelinguapp also has review tests that check users’ understanding of the reading and key vocabulary.

Each story is followed by a series of games that test the user’s vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening skills. You can also review your flashcards from that story after you’ve finished reading it.

Beelinguapp’s Weaknesses

Despite these great features, there is one weakness:

Learning is limited by your ability to read and write in the target language. If you don’t know how to read the target language, you won’t be able to use the program.

Also, being able to write in the target language is a prerequisite for participating in the listening game. Since the program is app-based, this issue is less serious since it’s very easy to download and install a language pack in whatever language you need. It’s still useful to know that you’ll need to be able to write in your language before you start.

Is Beelinguapp Free?

The app offers some free text as well as flashcards. You can use this content to study for a while, but to unlock the full lessons, you’ll need a paid subscription.

Without a paid subscription, you can’t change the target or primary language, and the free content is ad-supported.

The subscription is $6.99 per month, or $3.75 per month for an annual membership, and the annual membership subscription allows you to get a free trial period for seven days.

What languages ​​are available on the Beelinguapp application

This application provides 14 languages, which are:


How to use the Beelinguapp program

Using this application is very easy and you can learn the language you want by following these steps:

Download the Beelinguapp application through the App Store or Google Play, then fill in the data to register a new account.

Choose the language you want to study with choosing your mother tongue.

After opening the application, you will find a number of stories and articles in many fields that you can choose from.
When you open the story, you will find the text in front of you in the chosen language with its translation in your mother tongue on the other side.

Overall, Beelinguapp is a great app with many features such as multilingualism, binary text to help with learning, and content diversity, but the only downside is that it requires the user to be able to read the target language.

Download Beelinguapp




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