Educational apps

best app to learn German through pictures

Learning German is a challenge, isn’t it? If you’re thinking about taking this journey, you need smart tools to help you overcome the difficulties. And make the experience enjoyable

Let me share with you today about the best app to learn German and how this app can completely change your experience

Now before you start worrying about grammar and structures, I want you to take a deep breath. Yes, we are talking about an easy and innovative way that makes you learn the language as if you were playing a fun game.

It is said that learning common words in German, with their translation into Arabic, can help you understand about 20% of daily conversations. Or watching movies, and if you learn more, common German words

Your ability to understand what people say, in their daily lives, whether in their conversations, at work, or with friends, may reach 70%.

Learning German has become easier

You may wonder, why German, why can’t I learn an easier language? Well, the question is completely logical, but let me tell you, learning German is worth all the effort because German is a language of global importance

Read:Memrise app…to learn German and many other languages ​​for free

It is used in business and opens wide doors in the European job market. In addition, it is a language full of literature, philosophy and technology. You will not find a language that offers you this amount of benefits.

Honestly, for me, I started learning German because of my passion for travel and I always dreamed of visiting Germany.

And getting to know its culture up close. Imagine traveling to Berlin, and being able to order your coffee, or talking to the locals, and in their language, a priceless feeling.

Today we present to you one of the best applications for those who want to learn the German language, especially for those who want to establish themselves strongly in the language.

This application is a great step.

Towards mastering the German language, it not only helps in learning words, but also in improving the way they are pronounced, which increases your understanding of the language.

If you have a simple background in the German lang

German language, it’s not easy I won’t lie to you but here comes the role of technology, to make things simpler and the German language learning application that we are talking about today is not just a tool but your personal companion, on this journey and what distinguishes it is the way the content is presented and you will feel as if you are learning without effort and there is no need to carry a huge grammar book with you.

Read:How to study foreign language vocabulary

Or try to memorize long lists of words.

This application is based on short, easy-to-understand lessons and the lessons are divided into small units that cover basic vocabulary, grammar and speaking.

In addition, the application provides audio clips for correct pronunciation and you will learn how to say Guten Morgen Good morning in a way that makes the Germans.

They think you are one of them and okay maybe I am exaggerating a little but you will feel better quickly.

Learn pronunciation in a natural way

Have you ever tried to pronounce a German word, and you felt as if your tongue refused to cooperate? This happens a lot, but with this application, pronunciation becomes a fun part of learning and the application contains the feature of recording your voice.

And comparing it to the correct pronunciation, and at first I felt embarrassed when I listened to myself, but after a while I started to notice the improvement.

I remember one time I was trying to pronounce the word Krankenwagen (ambulance) and it took me several tries and the app patiently corrected me, as if to say it was ok try again and after a while I was pronouncing it as if I was born in Germany or at least that’s what I like to believe.

Read:Duolingo is the most popular language learning app. Learn about its features

The perfect way to learn without getting bored

uage, it will be easier for you, as you will be able to understand the grammar rules, more deeply and clearly, which enhances your ability to communicate fluently.

With this application, learning the German language has become a fun and easy experience, and you can now learn everything new daily, through lessons that are added regularly, and the lessons include audio, translation and appropriate examples, for all levels, from the beginner level to the advanced level.

Who doesn’t love games and this app uses games as a primary educational tool instead of feeling like you’re studying you’ll feel like you’re taking on fun challenges, for example there’s a word matching game with pictures and another related to completing incomplete sentences and sometimes I forgot that I was learning a new language because I was having so much fun.

One time I decided to compete with a friend of mine in the number of points we get in the game and the competition was fierce but I won in the end and what I learned is that these games don’t just help you remember words but add an element of enthusiasm that makes learning sustainable.

Getting to know Germany through language

Learning the language is not just words and sentences but a way to understand a new culture and one of the best things this app offers is its integration of cultural elements into its lessons and you’ll get to know the traditions of the Germans, their daily habits and even their way of thinking. For example, did you know that the Germans love planning and organization? This is reflected even in their language.

One of the lessons I enjoyed was how to order food in a restaurant and the app gave me a simple dialogue between a waiter and a customer and I didn’t realize that learning these sentences would make me feel so confident when I visited a German restaurant for the first time and thanks to the app I was able to order a famous Schnitzel dish without any hesitation.

Smart repetition: Goodbye forgetfulness

How many times have you learned new words and after a week you discover that you have completely forgotten them? It happens to everyone, but this application uses a technology called Smart Repetition, which is a system that re-displays the words you have learned at specific time intervals until they are fixed in your memory.

I remember that I learned the word Apfel (apple) in the first week and after a month I found it appearing again in one of the exercises and at first I felt strange – why would an old word appear? But with time, I realized that this is the way that makes the words remain engraved in my memory.

Speaking Fluently: Is it Possible Through the App?

I will not lie to you, learning to speak fluently requires constant practice, but this application offers a great feature. It makes it much easier and through the virtual conversation feature you can talk to characters, inside the application as if you were in a real situation, for example, there is a lesson that enters you into a dialogue, with a store salesperson where you are asked to answer his questions or ask questions yourself.

At first I was hesitant what if I said something wrong but soon I realized that the application is not here to judge me but to help me learn and after several conversations I felt my confidence gradually increasing and if you want to enhance this skill more you can use the German chat and conversation application to interact with other learners.

This application is comprehensive and contains several sections and conversations covering various daily situations and the application is characterized by providing audio content which makes the learning process easy and smooth and all of this is available without the need for an internet connection. In addition, the application allows you to learn to pronounce words in a simple and easy way and is suitable for both young and old.

Is the app worth trying?

The short answer is yes, absolutely. If you are looking for a fun, flexible and comprehensive way to learn German, this app will be your perfect ally. Of course, do not expect to become fluent overnight.

This app makes the journey fun and smooth.




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