Learning Tips

What are the hidden secrets that make you a good language learner?

Students often wonder what makes them good language learners, or how they can make their foreign language better!

Many of them believe that some people who are fluent in the language and excel in it are just good learners, however, there is no research to indicate the validity of this belief.

The following will show you some of the main and important ideas mentioned in the theories related to learning foreign languages ​​about how it is possible to be a good language learner, in addition to the experiences of some people who are fluent in English.

Define your goal for learning the language:

Defining the goal of learning the language intelligently is the key to mastering it. Set small and realistic goals (for example, to improve the pronunciation of keywords related to marketing) in preparation for reaching your larger goal, which is to be more fluent in speaking English in relation to your field of work in marketing.


Find out the things that motivate you to learn English, and work on tasks that take you in that direction.

Follow native speakers regularly and benefit from their language experience, make calls via social media with your colleagues and participate in online English language learning courses to hone your skills and get the necessary feedback on speaking English.

Read:7 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a New Language

There will be times when your motivation to learn English decreases, then you should reconsider your goals and make the necessary adjustments.

Some researchers believe that motivation is the main driver of successful language learning, and this is good news for you to work on it constantly.

Fear of making mistakes:

It is very normal to be anxious about speaking in front of others, especially in public meetings such as conferences.

However, do not focus too much on the mistakes you may make. Use English in your conversations during the lesson to get the necessary feedback from your teacher. Always be prepared and expect to make mistakes while speaking the language, as everyone simply makes mistakes, including native speakers, and mistakes can be an opportunity to learn.

You should not confuse these common mistakes with failure to learn.

Use English for things you love:

Find a way to integrate what you learn from English into what you do in your daily life.

Do you like cooking, for example?

So read recipes in English and look in food books by a foreign chef (British or American). Many students interested in learning English have tried this and it was fun for them.

Read:Grammar and Writing Tips for English Learners

Be social:

Find native speakers near you and try to communicate with them regularly through meetings and gatherings. Keep in touch with people interested in learning English through social media, as many students interested in studying English have created accounts on social networking sites such as LinkedIn in English, not to search for a job or the like, but to follow groups interested in speaking English and read and comment on articles and publications.

Be organized:

Benefit from the experiences and skills of people older than you who have integrated what they have learned in English into their daily lives and studies. Whether you create organized tables for the new vocabulary you learn using modern technology such as Sylingo, where you can study and review it easily and at any time using your computer or phone, or have your teacher record new vocabulary on your phone to serve as a model and reference for you, as most students interested in learning the language do, it is important to have a system that suits you during your language learning period. By being organized, you and your teacher can measure progress and focus on the areas that are most important or useful to you.

Read:Grammar and Writing Tips for English Learners

The more organized your language learning is, the more likely you are to remember the vocabulary and grammar you learn. Many of these ideas are common sense and common sense, but when we look for the common thread between them, we find that they all flow into one stream: harnessing emotion in learning, which helps us perform better.

Before we conclude, let’s briefly explain what good English learners avoid and what they do to avoid deviating from their goal of learning the language:

– Avoiding overconfidence.
– Not getting frustrated because they don’t understand everything in their language.
– Not being hesitant to try new methods and approaches of their own in learning.
– Capitalizing on their strengths in learning and avoiding working against them.
– Not wasting time.

In conclusion, we have tried to cover most of the things that good language learners do, or you can say the things that make a good language learner.

It is now up to you to put in the effort and time to achieve that, but the important thing is to have these mentioned qualities to achieve your goal of learning the language just like other good language learners.

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